See Paris Hilton Die says one caption on one of the new horror
flick House of Wax's promotional materials.Now why would we want to see Paris Hilton, the sweet and cuddly
hotel heiress, die? Is it because everything about her is fun,
or about having fun, and to see her die would be the most fun of
all? Are we a sick bunch of people? Wanting to see someone die?
Ok now, before I become anymore serious, am not really being
serious here.Who in the world can take Paris Hilton seriously?
Ooops, isn't that a scary thoughtnot to be taken seriously by
others? Aren't we all longing to have a place of importance in
this be taken seriously?
What does Paris Hilton think about this? In an interview Bob
Strauss recently had with Paris, the pretty heiress reveals her
thoughts: "It's not my fault that I was born with this.
So, keep important personal information encrypted or on a computer without network access (look at Paris Hilton in the news. She had her computer stolen with very, very personal information in it).
According to the WordTracker Keywords Report (dated: August 9
2005), the top 10 queries from the last 48 hours were for the
following keywords (the Count in brackets):
1 jessica simpson (3377) 2 jessica alba (3314) 3 music lyrics
(2679) 4 daniela hantuchova (1955) 5 paris hilton (1469) 6
playstation 2 cheats (1243) 7 xbox cheats (1231) 8 jokes (1069)
9 googletestad (1048) 10 google (1013)
While I can understand the popularity for the two Jessicas and
the other keywords/keyphrases, I was perplexed by the popularity
of the term "googletestad".Even when utilizing Overture's free
online Keyword Research Tool, the phrase "google monitor query
or googletestad" has 72,161 counts, while "googletestad" has
39,436 counts over the last 60 days.Next, I did a check on its trend - important to verify whether
it is only a one-off fad.Checking back on back issues of the
WordTracker's top 200 long-term keyword report for the last 110
days (these statistics are free once you subscribe to
WordTracker's keyword report newsletter), the term
"googletestad" had in fact, gained popularity in terms of search
queries over the past one month as follows (by date, rank, and
* August 9, 2005 - 55 (35032) * August 2, 2005 - 64 (32737) *
July 26, 2005 - 94 (28793) * July 19, 2005 - 105 (24878
So, what in the world is googletestad?
Given its encouraging trend, I decided to do some research.
Paris Hilton, Celebrity, 2/17/1981 15.Serena Williams, Tennis Champion, 9/26/1981 16.Roger Federer,
Tennis Champion, 8/8/1981 17.Nicole Ritchie, Celebrity,
BORN IN 1982
In every celebrity magazine, every week, is a picture of Richie
- looking quite thin - and bouncing about town in a new designer
outfit and handbag that seems to be a bit bigger than she is:)
It was even rumored that her dramatic weight loss and refusal to
get help for it was the source of the tragic:) break-up between
her and her longtime friend Paris HIlton.But to be fair - Nicole Richie has seriously transformed
her life.She is the adopted daughter of a very public and
tumultuous divorced couple - Lionel and Brenda Richie.Probably the initial source of many of her emotional troubles.
- Paris Hilton and K-Fed? Who do people keep making fun of Paris Hilton and K-Fed? I have never even heard any of their songs, so how do you know if it's good or not? I heard one Paris song, and I didn't mind it too much.
- I don't mind Paris least she's now showing some promise of actually having some talent, instead of just looking pretty. Kevin Federline just needs to go away--he just doesn't have any talent and seems to be taking all of Britney's Spears $$.
- Because they are scumbags trying to earn money by making everyone's ears bleed!!!
Have you heard K-Fed rap? He sounds like a hyper 9 year old on steroids
And Paris Hilton is just using her trademark sexy bimbo image to get some loot in the bank (and i'd say she pretty clever for that) - i don't think we should be making fun out of her...we should be making fun out of the people who buy her merchandise and want to be like her (hahahahah)
- i heard their songs and they can't sing for SH IT ! SERIOUSLY. They have no talent watsoever
- Some people just love being critical {as I like to call them haters}
- Paris Hilton to play Mother Teresa? Bollywood director T. Rajeevnath, scouting for a suitable actress to play the title role in his film on Nobel Peace laureate Mother Teresa, has sent feelers to Paris Hilton. "My agents in California have contacted Paris Hilton," Rajeevnath said.
The director said he was impressed when he read a report sometime ago in which the hotel heiress said she had refused to pose nude in Playboy magazine and decided then to shortlist her. "Although there are several actresses willing to play the role of Mother Teresa, the most widely respected and loved person, the history of the actress who is finally chosen for the role would have to be analysed thoroughly before she is chosen," said Rajeevnath. Rajeevnath expects to get the blessings of the Pope for the film.
- Oh dear god... (NO PUN INTENTION.)
Why would you get some... Plastic -censored- that's a moron to play a part with such imporatance...
This is a disgrace.
- please no. that would be a joke and a disgrace to mother t.
- Yeah, I heard about this. I guess they both love to give. Just in different ways...
- What next? Maybe Princess Diana.
- Paris Hilton? Who on this thing has a higher IQ than Paris Hilton? I know I do!
- What`s hers??? Mine`s 154. I`ll assume hers is lower.
- LOL Im sure most of the people in America have a higher IQ...
- me too
- i think she has a smaller brain than an ostrich.
- Paris Hilton..? Does Anyone Hate Paris Hilton .? or is it just me?
- shes a fart in a mitten
- when i first saw this question i was like great another person obsessed with paris hilton. then i saw your details and i was like phew! thanks! not just you, definitely
- I am yet to see something positive or funny coming from that lady. she is a parasite
- just thou
- Paris hilton go away? we got paris hilton singing now? wtf she has no talent shes a stupid spoiled whore with no talents. world is giving her so much in entertainment let let her act lets let her sing lets follow her cause......shes rich she even says thing in her song that she is not allowed to say and other stuff she can not talk about other people being stupid and she talking about love paris hilton when have you ever wanted love always banging guys partying all night doing drugs wow why give me your opinions
- i like her song actually i dunno y but give her a break ya everything u said was true but im starting to like her a little i dont know y i useto hate her wit a passion n now i dont lol
have a great day
- i hate Paris Hilton and she does have no talent, she doesn't need to sing it makes it all bad enough for the rest of us having to listen to her being whiny all the damn time...her with nicole richie over the dumb fight and stupid stuff like that...she is never ever gonna make her way to the top of the hill and her cds are not gonna get sold. I will never listen to her music...i hate listening about her all the time if i meet her i'd tell her to shut her whiny mouth and stop being such a freaking whore. I hate her, and she can crawl in a corner and die cuz that is how much I personally care about her, cuz I DON'T Care about her!!!
- I really dislike her. She only got where she is based on money. its not what you know or how good you are its strictly who you know and looks. She got her foot int he door and will never leave us alone. That whole sex tape just got her more in the spotlight. So it got her more attention to plug the simple life and two expand to other things. To mee she will only be a stuck up rich girl. I dont even care if her music could sound good (resufuse to listen to it) cause of how she got where she is and who she is.
You know its been said Kid Rock's dad was loaded too. But Kid Rock didn't flaunt the rich boy attitude he isn't above his fans or above anyone if anything he makes himself out ot be below everyone else hes white trash and he'll say it proudly.
Paris needs to get off her high and mighty horse and come down to earth.